There are many fascinating and exciting developments in human cognitive and clinical neurosciences. We are constantly drawn to novel and groundbreaking discoveries. There is nothing wrong with this - I would even say that's part of the human nature. This kind of research is not, however, what I want to talk about today. This post is dedicated to people building tools that play a crucial role as a backbone of research - helping novel discoveries happen. They go beyond providing a proof of concept, publishing a paper and pointing to undocumented piece of code that works only in their labs. They provide maintenance, respond to user needs, and constantly update their tools fixing bugs and adding features. Here I will highlight two tools which in my personal (and very biased) opinion play an important role in supporting human neuroscience, and could do with some more appreciation. Early years of Captain Neuroimaging nibabel Anyone dealing with MRI data in Python must know about
Brains, behaviour, statistics, and random thoughts.